Warmer Winter Weekend - Media Release

Industry and community working for a warmer winter

The township of Dunalley will be alive with the sound of chainsaws next month when the forest industry, local volunteers and community groups chip in to cut, split and distribute hundreds of tonnes of firewood for residents affected by the January bushfires.

The joint initiative of SFM Forest Products, St Vincent de Paul, Forestry Tasmania, and Norske Skog together with local community and Tasmania Fire Service personnel, has secured strong support with over 500 tonnes of firewood to be distributed for this Winter.

Spokesperson for the Warmer Winter Weekend, Ricky Birch said “Within days of the idea becoming known we had secured hundreds of tonnes of firewood and many volunteers, but more is needed.”

The event will be held on Saturday the 18thand Sunday the 19thof May. The Saturday will be dedicated to cutting and splitting wood and the Sunday an open community day where affected residents can come and collect firewood or have it delivered.

“On Sunday we will host a Community Open Day with activities, informative displays and a free barbecue to all.  The Open Day is extended to anyone, not just affected residents.  We felt that it was important to provide a community event where people can just come and enjoy themselves” Mr Birch said.

St Vincent de Paul Society (Vinnies), in association with the Dunalley Volunteer Fire Brigade will be managing the distribution of the firewood. Vinnies will issue Warmer Winter vouchers for bushfire-affected residents. The vouchers will be a requirement when collecting wood.

People interested in volunteering are asked to call Ricky Birch on 0427 598 556.

Allocations of firewood are being issued by the St Vincent de Paul Society through a voucher system. If you require a voucher, call into Vinnies’ Dunalley Assistance Centre (which is located at the back of the Dunalley Information and Service Hub, open from Monday to Friday between 10.00am and 4.00pm), or call Annette on 0438 625 350.



Samuel Shelley