Launch of Timber Plantations Operations Code of Practice for Queensland
SFM Environmental Solutions is proud to have been associated with the successful development and release of the Timber Plantation Operations Code of Practice for Queensland,which was officially launched at the Institute of Foresters of Australia (IFA) Queensland Division Annual General Meeting, held in Brisbane on Friday August 14 2015.
SFM was selected by the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries to facilitate development of the Code, in collaboration with other members of the Queensland timber plantation industry. SFM Senior Consultant Stephen Walker led the drafting of the Code, with assistance from Dan Ryan, who looks after the development and maintenance of SFM’s forest certification systems, and with specialist input from well-regarded Tasmanian Forester Aidan Flanagan.
The Code supports sustainable plantation management practices by provide guidance with regards to operational activities associated with commercial timber plantations in Queensland, in order to comply with all laws and with accepted principles for sound plantation management.
The official launch of the Queensland Code was made by Timber Queensland CEO Rod McInnes (left) with Simon Dorries, new CEO of AFSL (right) making a presentation titled “Obtaining greater value from Certification”, which was well received by the foresters and other invited guests attending the function. Stephen Walker from SFM (centre) moderated the launch in his capacity as Chair of the Queensland Division of the Institute of Foresters.
The official sponsors for the launch of the Code were SFM Environmental Solutions, HQPlantations and the Specialty Timber Growers group.
SFM was also pleased to donate the prizes for a raffle held at the launch, which raised $170 for the IFA’s Vanuatu forests after Cyclone Pam appeal, a welcome addition to the significant funds already raised by the IFA for this most deserving cause.