SFM is a leading provider of independent forest management and forest consulting across Australia and New Zealand.

SFM offers forestry resource owners an independent management services to ensure their investment is managed to maximise returns at minimal risk. By undertaking all property and forestry management aspects, SFM is able to offer a fully integrated solution to suit the resource owners requirements.

SFM's forest management services include;


  • Consent Approvals

  • Strategic/Operational Planning

  • Contractor Management

  • OHS & EMS Development and Management

  • GIS Services

  • Financial Administration

  • Comprehensive Reporting

  • Stakeholder Engagement

  • Fire Management

  • Property Management and Divestment

SFM  – Certified Performance.


Estate Management

SFM has the expertise and experience to manage large estates on any tenure.   SFM provide “fence to fence” management to the resource owners and become the first point of contact for customers, contractors and other stakeholders. SFM will source contractors, supervise operations and ensure that targets are achieved.

SFM undertakes the financial administration of the estate. In conjunction with the resource owner SFM will produce annual works programs and budgets. SFM then source contractors to undertake the work, supervise the operations, receipt monies and pay contractors. SFM provide detailed financial reporting on a monthly basis comparing actuals to budget and reforecasting on a monthly or quarterly basis.

Communication and reporting is a critical part of the estate management process. SFM will have a Forest Operation Manager allocated to manage the estate and be a first point of contact. The forest Operation Manager will then produce reporting on a monthly or quarterly basis to the resource owner providing an update on operations that have been completed, planned operations, financial performance, environmental and safety performance along with other relevant information.

When SFM undertake estate management services we include certification as part of the management package.


Private Landowners and Farm Forestry

A properly managed forest estate gives landowners the option to supplement farm income through the revenues raised from forest products. Appropriately managed forests will also provide a range of intangible benefits to landowners such as shelter belts, lowering of water tables and stabilization of soils.

SFM is experienced at providing services to landowners with properties of any size, providing operational contractors and a route to market for the timber. SFM with its network of customers and contractors provide access to markets and economies of scale that smaller forest resource owners can not normally achieve.

SFM recognizes that forestry may form only a part of the farming landscape and provides landowners with options to complete planning for forestry in the context of the whole of farm plan. SFM is also happy to work with landowners to try and utilize equipment that they may have onsite to help reduce costs.

In Australia SFM offers landowners membership of our FSC® and/or PEFC Group Scheme’ Certifications allowing products sourced from their property to be sold as certified under the respective schemes. This also provides landowners with the comfort of knowing their forests are being managed to internationally recognized environmental, social and economic principles. Click here for more information on certification.

Information sheets for landowners are also being developed by SFM covering the basic principles of native forest and plantation management. 


Aggregated Plantations Program

The SFM Aggregated Plantations Program enables the aggregation of the many private plantation owners across New Zealand. Aggregation of the resource will allow for increased market access and security, improved fire management coordination and professional advice when required.

Membership to the program is free and provides you with a range of benefits including;

  • Initial plantation assessment and ongoing annual report on the growth, management and marketing of your plantation;

  • Aggregated approach to marketing and harvesting your resource to access the best market for your resource.

  • Inclusion in SFM’s Fire Management area enabling representation and coordinated approach with fire authorities in wildfire events;

  • Certification of your resource increasing market access;

  • All year round access to expert plantation foresters via email or phone;

  • Organisation and Supervision of on-ground plantation management services (fire break maintenance, insect spraying, etc) at program rates.

If you would like to further information or just wish to have a discussion about your plantation asset please contact;

Brian Rust - brust@sfmnz.com - +64 272748216